02 September 2008

A Complaint-Free Bride

We recently read a truly life-changing book, A Complaint-Free World by. The author challenges us to spend 20 days without complaining or criticizing. This is far taller order than it may seem, and we suspect doubly difficult for a typical bride, who is, uh, not-so-Good. It is simply amazing the effect that our complaining has on our well-being, our happiness, our health and that of those around us. Once you start this program, you will immediately notice how often and unconsciously you and others complain. As a bride, does it really matter if the turquoise shoes you ordered are a slightly-different shade than the program ribbons? And does anyone really care if the caterer used onions instead of scallions in the dip? If you want to really make a lasting impact on your loved ones and enjoy your wedding planning and day in a way that others will envy, you may want to order one copy of this book for yourself, and several more for the wedding party. We bought this book for our office group a few weeks ago, and so far, the pettiness and cattiness have diminished, and job satisfaction levels have found new highs.