08 September 2008

A Used Dress? Okay, But Just Look What You Can Do with the Money, Silly Girl

"Yuck, no way am I wearing somebody else dress!" whined the unnamed bride-to-be who happens to be my daughter (and contributor and inspiration for The Good Bride). So, the average retail wedding dress is around $1600 or so. On eBay today there are just under 30,000 wedding dresses list, starting at 58 cents. So let's assume we find a once-worn dress on eBay that originally retailed for $3000 for $300. What can you do with the $1300 you saved, on the wedding dress alone? Here are some ideas:

  1. Stick the funds in a savings account and add a mere $20 to it each month. At 5% compounded monthly, you'll have over $3000 in 5 years.

  2. A 7-day cruise for you and your husband in the Carribean.

  3. A Friday night date with your new husband every week for 10 months (2 matinee movie tickets, Mexican dinner = $30 x 43 weeks = $1330.

  4. A computer, inkjet printer, scanner, and digital camera

  5. 4 months of weekly hour-long massages

  6. 70-150 shirts from Old Navy

  7. A semester of grad school at a state university

  8. Fitness club membership for you and your husband for a year

  9. A band at your wedding reception

  10. Holiday gifts for your mom for a very long time